Welcome to SDG Custom Lurecaft

SDG (“Soli Deo Gloria”) Custom LureCraft was born when two passions collided. As a Christian, husband, and father, I have an overarching passion in my life to do all things “for the glory of God alone” (SDG). Similarly, as an angler, teacher, and entrepreneur, I have a passion to build lures, fish them, and teach others how to do the same. When these two passions came together the result was a custom lure company with an eternal perspective, committed to seeing God glorified in every bait I make. So, whether you’re here to find a unique line of lures you can’t find anywhere else or you’re interesting in learning something new about lurecraft, I’m glad you’re here and pray that I can be a means of not only helping you build your own lures, but also grow (or maybe even establish for the first time!) your relationship with the Lord.

Adam – Owner/Operator




Adam Felder

Adam is first and foremost a Christian, saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. That faith grounds everything else in his life – He’s a Christian husband, father, friend, employee, and yeah… even a Christian lure maker! In the fishing world he loves to fish from the bank or kayak, spend time dreaming up new designs, and is excited to use the SDG LureCraft YouTube channel to not only entertain but teach others how to build their own lures!


• Largemouth Bass
• Smallmouth Bass
• Crappie
• Trout